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The impact of COVID-19 on parenting orders


We are all experiencing uncertain and unprecedented times in the wake of the COVID-19 epidemic. Our  recommendations is  to communicate with each other about complying with current orders and attempt to find a practical solution. If communication fails then please contact can us and we can help you mediate an agreement and recommend short-term alternate options where necessary and we will assist you with advice on your obligations and consequences of non-compliance


The objects of the  Act is to ensure that a parent who is entitled to spend time with their child ought to be able to do so. Every child has the right to a meaningful relationship with both parents regardless of their marital status, and parents should jointly share and fulfil their parental responsibilities in relation to their children. Parenting orders can be made by consent or as a result of a contested hearing before a Judge. The consequences for breach of parenting orders can result in care for the child.

If you or someone you know wants more information or needs help or advice, please contact us on 1300 411 04 or email info@britluchotlawyers.com.au

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  Parenting orders are a set of orders made by a court about parental responsibility and the living arrangements for a child. The parties to...

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